From Cubicle to Connection.

amaani munaf
2 min readApr 13, 2024


Hey everyone, Amaani here. At 22, I’m feeling the itch for a fresh start. My foundation degree feels like a path to nowhere, and psychology, while fascinating, is on hold. My partner doesn’t want me to work, and working from home initially seemed like the answer, but let’s just say it wasn’t exactly sunshine and rainbows.

The truth is, a part of me has always craved a different path. Years of following expectations and checking boxes left me feeling drained. It was time to break free and chase a life that felt truly mine — a life filled with new experiences, connections, and growth.

For a while, I thought I found it. Working at Notch, a digital marketing agency, was a revelation. The supportive team, the collaborative energy, the constant learning — it ignited a spark I didn’t know existed. We weren’t just working; we were growing together. Unfortunately, due to personal reasons (not work-related!), I had to leave coz my partner doesn’t like me working.

Now, back to the reality of working from home, that spark feels like a distant memory.

The isolation is stifling. My days blur together — typing away on my computer, a constant hum of boredom in the background. Sure, the money’s good, but at what cost? My brain feels sluggish, starved of the human interaction I crave. Even my mom’s well-meaning gesture of leaving a constant stream of coffee on my desk feels like a reminder of the disconnect.

Recently, during a festival everyone else seemed to be celebrating, the emptiness of my routine hit me like a ton of bricks. While others were out connecting and having fun, I was here, another day blurring into the next. It made me yearn for the vibrant energy of Notch, the sense of community, and the feeling of being part of something bigger than myself. And right now, working from home and writing and doing nothing but writing and assignments and everything and getting paid for it looks feels actually depressing. What’s even worse is the long-distance relationship.



amaani munaf

|-professional-poetic-baking-cinderella-22-| "i'm a modern, woke woman, healing through words, navigating the ups and downs of heartbreak."