Shadows of parental influence.

amaani munaf
3 min readSep 11, 2023


In every parent’s life, there comes a time when they must let their children grow, and this is what I believe. Let me explain why. If parents keep their children locked inside, shielding them from life’s choices, it’s a path that often leads to the melancholy you see in so many troubled teenagers. Instead of nurturing their self-worth, parents unintentionally shatter it.

As parents, you witness your child’s growth and transformation, but it’s your duty to prepare them for life without you. We never know what lies ahead. Your role is to equip them to stand on their own, to protect themselves and others when the need arises. Don’t impose your desires on them; let them explore their interests, whether in school, sports, or their career.

Yet, it’s painful when parents insist, “We know what’s best for you.” Those words, echoing in my past, shattered my self-esteem like glass when I dared to choose my path.

Now, at 21, I struggle to make decisions, haunted by their influence.

Please grant your children privacy, even in simple matters like changing clothes. Saying, “I’ve seen you naked since you were small,” only adds to their struggle for autonomy. They understand right from wrong; trust their judgment.

If something seems amiss with your child, look beyond closed doors, approach them kindly, and ask, “Are you okay?” Too many young souls suffer in silence, unable to express their emptiness, turning to anonymous platforms to vent about family and parental pressures. Because I’m one of them.

Don’t live through your children; that’s not their purpose. Don’t make them dependent, for you won’t be here forever. Admit your mistakes, apologize sincerely.

Because I look in the mirror daily, questioning whether I must live the life they’ve mapped for me. Is it my life, or is it theirs?

And here I am, placing flowers at my own grave, symbolizing the pain my younger self had to endure.”

And no child should have to suffer because of the shitty choices made by the adults in their lives. They deserve better than that.

Do others share the deep regret of choices made by parents that scarred their lives? Do they wish for a different path, one they can’t undo, burdened by what they missed and the internal torment? It’s a sorrow that pierces the soul, leaving tears and grief. Your soul just drowns in pain and sadness.

Parents cause their children a lot of anguish, but they often don’t realize how this pain lingers, grows, and essentially shapes who their children become.

If you were to question me about this, I admit that I do regret allowing my parents to dictate my life instead of taking control myself. To be completely honest, if someone were to ask me about my life goals or what’s on the horizon, I’d be at a loss for words.

My answers are silence; my heart, numb. I feel empty, for this is the burden of being a 21-year-old shaped by their wishes.



amaani munaf

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