When the Butterflies Fade

amaani munaf
2 min readJun 13, 2024


Ah, the three-month mark in a relationship. Those initial flutters in your stomach, the intoxicating feeling of new love — it’s all there. But then, a shift. The butterflies settle, the excitement simmers, and sometimes, a chilling realization dawns: the magic seems to be fading. One partner feels neglected, their texts unanswered, their presence seemingly forgotten. It’s like they’ve become invisible, lost in a sea of priorities that don’t include their significant other.

When love starts to fade, hearts start to break.

This, for Partner A, is the heart-wrenching part. They cling to hope, believing Partner B will change, will set boundaries, will remember the simple act of connection. But when those changes don’t come, frustration sets in. Fights erupt, words turn hurtful, and the once vibrant connection begins to fray.

For me, love isn’t about grand gestures. It’s the simple act of reaching out, even amidst the chaos. For me, it’s simple. Two minutes. That’s all it takes to send a quick text, a “thinking of you” amidst the daily grind. It’s the bare minimum, the cornerstone of connection. As a woman, I crave the whispers of affection, not just the roar of extravagance. Forget the fancy dinners; give me handwritten letters, long walks beneath a canopy of stars, poems penned just for me, a single bloom tucked behind my ear. These little things, these shared experiences, weave a life of love far more beautiful than any fleeting spectacle.

In the end, it’s the simple moments that mean the most.

At the end of the day, I dream of a home built on love and support. A place where laughter fills the air as warm, home-cooked meals are shared, a husband who stands strong beside me and our children, cheering us on in every pursuit — career, business, or personal goals. The feeling would be mutual, of course. I wouldn’t dream of hindering his own ambitions, his climb to the peak.

The kind of love I seek isn’t threatened by my drive, my ambition. It celebrates it. I yearn for a partner who understands the power of a woman who builds her own dreams, who breaks free from societal constraints.

This is the kind of love I wait for — a love that thrives on shared journeys, unwavering support, and the strength to grow together, even when the butterflies fade.

I want a husband who knows how to support me and set his priorities straight.



amaani munaf

|-professional-poetic-baking-cinderella-22-| "i'm a modern, woke woman, healing through words, navigating the ups and downs of heartbreak."